Amanda the Adventurer

In this thrilling game, you will go through a short horror adventure. Even if the game will look too simple and primitive in the beginning, the things will change as you move through the gameplay. So if you love plots with secrets and unclear twists, start playing Amanda the Adventurer. It is a very good example of how an innocent adventure turns into a real nightmare full of unexpected threats! Are you ready to give it a try?
How did it all start?
One day, the player goes to the attic and finds some old VHS tapes. You discover that these are records of an old TV show about Amanda, an adventurous traveler, and sheep Wooly, her cute companion. You remember you watched it in your childhood but cannot clearly recollect any scenes from it. So you immediately decide to return back to those lovely times and watch the show again. It seems thrilling to refresh your memory and see what happened exactly in that story. You do not know yet that friendly-looking protagonist of the show is only a mask she wears very skillfully. Step by step, you will discover, that a true monster lives inside this girl and very soon, even your life will be in danger. But in the beginning, the entertainment looks more than funny. You find three tapes and start to watch them in turn.
Enjoy three episodes
The very first tape will not make you suspect anything. Actually, you will see how Amanda and her friend are going to buy some apples for an apple pie that they are willing to bake. But one tiny nuance may already confuse you. When Wooly complains about allergy, the heroine does not seem to be much concerned. She simply does not care about the poor sheep. In the second episode, things get more alarming. The characters go to the butcher to get some meat. You will see her friend trembling with fear and the heroine just evilly smiles. Is she going to kill the poor sheep now to get some meat? It sounds ridiculous but this is exactly the impression the player gets during this scene. All things point now to the fact that Amanda is not so kind as she tries to pretend. Is that time to switch this ugly show off and forget about it? But you are tortured by the curiosity to find out what will happen in the third episode. And this is where the real horror starts. The environment changes, and you feel like you are a part of it. And look! What does this building remind you of? It is your house! The evil heroine is here, and it looks like you are her next victim!